Acoustical treatments (batting & Knauf ductliner) have been installed:

Also picked up my receiver this past weekend (Marantz SR8500) so I temporarily hooked up my speakers (Axiom M60s/VP150/QS8s) for a trial run. I had visions of getting all the fabric up only to find I had cut into a speaker wire somewhere along the line. Even though it would be a pain to re-run at this point it would have been a disaster if the fabric had already been installed. Luckily everything seems to be in order, so now I have to break it all down and clean up the room (you'll notice it's a MESS in the pictures) so I can get the carpet installed.

Slowly but surely progressing. I'm still loathe to set a deadline for completion, but I can almost taste it...

Chip Slattery Fox Path Theater