We're gonna get this fixed. Without you having to pay my airfare or pour me a beer or anything

How do you have the Denon connected to your TV (what kind of cable and which jacks, what kind of TV do you have, does it have multiple inputs, etc.)?

You have to connect the Denon to the TV using either composite, S-Video (the multi-pin thing - better) or component (the three RCA cable - best) from one of the jacks marked "Monitor" on the back of the Denon.

Here is a link to a picture we can refer to together

1705 back

If the Denon isn't even trying to send a test to the surrounds, you might have them set to "none" in the speaker setup. Go to pages 19-20 in the manual and run through that again. If you are running 5.1 you want Surr. either large or small (probably small) and the S. Back set to none.

Here is the manual in case anybody needs it:

1705 Manual

Hook up the DVD audio using Digital optical input 1.

After that, you should be able to mess with the surround settings and get what you want. I think you'll be MUCH happier in the long run if you run your video sources (Dish, DVD, etc.) through the Denon rather than having to switch the inputs on the TV and the Receiver all the time.

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