Good to have you on board. First off, good to see that you set up your own system. When I was reading your request about paying someone I remember the day when I asked that same question. The great things about doing it yourself is, once you learn a little, you can tweek it and still be able to fix what you have played with. Also, should you move or something needs upgrading (don't fool yourself, you will upgrade) you will know how to do it.

50% of the time I still get turned around and a lot of the mumbo, jumbo talk on this (and other) sites is well over my head. Heck, I had to call Ray to have him walk me through, step by step, set up on my Denon 3803. So, take you time, I know it is hard when you throw down $1600 but in the end it will pay off.

Now, onto your M3ti fronts. I am sorry, I have not heard these speakers but please make sure that in your setup options on your Denon you have then set to "Small". I made this mistake once and I paid for it dearly as I really looked like an ass (no comments please all). Also, could you please let us know what the rest of your set up is, ie your rears and sub. Also, what size room do you have this set up in. It may be that you are asking a little too much out of the M3ti's

Anyway, if push comes to shove, I live in N. San Diego and would be willing (with a beer incentive) to drive up to help you out.