Nope, you're not the only one Mark ... 7 different HD-DVD player models from Toshiba in what, less than a couple of years or so?

My only apprehension about jumping on this deal is whether or not the A2 will be outdated enough in about a half a year that I'll be wanting to upgrade anyway, while on the other hand it's difficult to pass up such a good offer to see what exactly I've been missing, which, sounds like a lot from all of the very positive post regarding HD-DVD.

Decisions, decisions.....!

Oh and BTW, it's definitely legit Mark. I just called the two Wal-Marts in our area, the big store doesn't carry them and the little store said "We will tomorrow morning at 8 A.M." and he also stated the sell will last until all of the A2s are gone or through Sunday midnight.

Anybody interested might want to call around, not all stores carry these units.

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