Mojo, great post. Thanks for putting that info up. It's hard to believe this, but I'm thinking I should try a pair of 350s...

The posted specs for the 350s say they play down to 18hz in room (though they don't say at what volume). This compares to 15hz for the 600... I honestly don't think there'd be much I would be missing in that 3hz range on the majority of material. Even now, on test tones at least, I don't hear much at all at 15hz in my room with the 600. (mainly the propeller sounds Mojo mentioned)

Max SPLs are pretty comparable as well, and since I don't need massive SPL in my size of room, maybe the 350s really would be more pleasing to me? The lack of any posted FR curve definitely makes it a bit harder to know what you're jumping into with the 350s, though the personal recommendations from Mojo definitely have me leaning that direction.

Sirquack, how do you think they compare on the low end? I know you have a huge room so it'll be a bit different, but since you have both in your house, you seem pretty tough to beat as a first-hand source of info.

Epic 80-800: HG Cherry