Lots of interesting comments in this thread. Mojo. Your observations on live performances support my rather distant memories (sad thing that I have not listened to much live music in the last 15 years). I hope that the EP350 dosn't give that thump as I don't like it.

Bad product idea: big red button on the back of the sub, "In case of thump withdrawall, press here"

But I am convinced there is a "hole" somewhere between 100Hz and 200Hz in my Axiom system

Hmm... Having done some looking at the specs lately I can tell you two things: 1. there is a bit of a hole in the 100-150Hz range on the M80v2(no more than -3db), 2. there is measurable distortion over that same range. Perhaps the two combine for the effect you notice?

I think this sheds further light on my inquiries in another thread.

Link here

It is interesting to note that the folks as soundstage considered the distortion on the M80s to be significantly low enough to do a second set of measurements as 95 db.

Hmm.. Oportunity for another step up in the line??


Blujays1: Spending Fred's money one bottle at a time, no two... Oh crap!