Originally Posted By: davekro

I now recall the extra two measurements. Does this makes any noticeable difference?

High res. filters... What does a filter do? How does a High res. filter do it better? I know the 3808 (maybe the 2809 too) had a better mic.

Charles, very good points about waiting for another generation or cycle. I was figuring I could sell the 1909 for about a $80-$100 loss (paid $485), so not too bad of a rental/ audition fee. ;\) Though the "ooooooh, GUI, ooooh, pre-outs, oooooh the rest of it..." has is pull, if I find the loud listening level limit of the 1909 passes my occasional ZZ Top, Queen, etc. (plus beer) rock outs, the 1909 should do me well for a while. Maybe when the economy turns around and my business picks up, be ready for some upgrades. Like maybe change from this little old (2008) 73" Mitsub. DLP to a big screen (projector). ;\)
I'm afraid it just never ends! <gasp>

I did find that using 8 instead of 6 positions gave better results (for movies, I still only use it sporadically with music).

Just a few thoughts on the Denon line:

The pre-outs on the 3808/2809 (over the 1909) are really only important if you want to spend even more money on an outboard amp, thereby destroying any "bang for buck" ratios.

I bought the 3808 at the time when the 2809 was C$800, mostly because I wanted the 3808 rather than I thought it would sound better. I know there was a lot of talk on AVS about how the 3808 had individual DAC chips per channel instead of the 2809s multi-DAC single chip, but I doubt that would really make any audible difference. Computer chips are wonderful things these days.

The GUI is cool, but not really any easier to navigate than a basic OSD. Nice to have if you've got the cash, not really a value item.

The big difference between the 3808 and 2809 is upgradability. You can download new features on the 3808, as long as any new features are soft/firmware based and within the physical capabilities of the machine. If you figure there is more physical innovation coming down the pipe in the next couple of years, you'd be better off buying a lower cost Rx now (ie your 1909) and getting all the new stuff in a few years. The beauty of this is the "old" Rx gets demoted to another room and you have an excuse to buy more Axioms.

After all that said, however, I still don't regret buying the 3808.

Last edited by doormat; 04/04/09 12:29 AM.

M80s/VP160/QS8s/EP350; M22s; M3s.