Lex's Cinelex Home Theater

During a recent email conversation with Lex, I discovered his serious passion for cinema with superb video and audio quality. After continuing the discussion and digging deeper into the details, I was sent some wonderful photos of this DIY home theater project. Amazed by the quality of the entire system, and his background as a professional film projectionist, I thought it would be worth sharing with the greater Axiom community for inspiration! - Andrew

Lex's Cinelex Home Theater

Entrance Foyer to Lex's Home Theater Room, Complete with 35mm Projector on Display


Looking Into the Home Theater from the Entrance Doorway



"Back stage behind the SeymourAv Centre Stage UF acoustic transparent screen are the following speakers on a raised carpeted platform upside down to ensure tweeters are at ear level when seated. A pair each of M100’s (in use), M80’s, M60Ti’s (for background music), a VP180 (in use) and a VP150. An EP800 in each corner of the auditorium (out of view)."

M100s and VP180 for Left-Center-Right and M60Tis for Background Music, Hidden Behind an Acoustically Transparent Screen

"All auditorium lighting is LED controlled through variable faders. House curtain and screen masking is motorised. The works (except electrics) designed and built by myself; project took one year to complete."

Motorized Curtains and Screen Blanking Allow For Widescreen and Cinemascope Presentations


QS10HPs and QS8 Blend in Well, Custom Wrapped in Matching Wall Fabrics


Zeiss Cinemascope Lens Mounted to a JVC Projector Visible Through Projection Port

"A 1930’s EXIT sign I discovered discarded when exploring the cavity between the underfloor & ceiling of two cinemas (my workplace) built within the original single stage live theatre. The fibrous plaster sign was badly damaged but I was able to restore and mount it in a timber frame. The Art Deco glass beneath I designed using glass panels from two sconce lights. All lit by a single red 1W LED."

Restored 1930's Art Deco Exit Sign Found in a Cavity of Lex's Former Cinema

"I have a Siemens 2000 16mm projector (film) set up in the projection room below the JVC digital but have to date never screened film. The Siemens 1950s / 60s era 16mm projectors were always a fascination of mine and I posses a number of them in various models. The first projector I can remember seeing was at my primary school in the 50’s, being used to screen educational films. That was one of the early Bell & Howells and I was hooked from then on. I would grab a seat next to the operating side of the projector and I think I might have spent more time watching the machine than what was being projected onto the screen. And on the rare occasion I was permitted to go to our local cinema I spent most of my time during pre show and interval peering rearwards itching to know what went on behind those little windows on the back wall. I found out when I became a projectionist myself from the very projectionist who was also the owner operator of the theatre at the time whom I used to watch running between the projection room and the foyer, that he would have been only too happy to show me. Back in those days I was pathetically shy and would never had had the courage to approach an adult. Pity because I’m sure my career in the industry would have commenced much sooner."

"Driving all of this from my projection room is a 3 channel Axiom ADA1500 (L, R & C), Marantz 8 channel MM8003 Power Amp drives subwoofers and surrounds controlled by a Marantz Pre Tuner AV7702MkII Processor. For film an Oppo UDP 205, for music an Oppo BDP 105D."

Projection Room Equipment Rack with ADA1500-3 for Powering Left-Center-Right


Beautiful System Wiring Management

"The Corio Theatre signs came from a beautiful 1300 seat Art Deco theatre built in 1937 which was my all time favourite cinema to work in. Our General Manager at the time who recognised my passion for the industry and film projection gave me the set of keys for this theatre allowing me to come and go at will as a reward for obtaining my “Cinematograph Operator” qualifications. I spent countless very happy (unpaid) hours day and night doing maintenance as the city council owned building was badly neglected. The theatre company I was employed by leased the building on a permanent basis and it was only used during school and summer holiday periods. The building was demolished in 1984 and the site is now occupied by a multi level concrete car parkas part of a shopping complex." ☹️

Commercial 16mm Projector on Display with Art Deco Corio Theater Sign

Thank you Lex for sharing your passion for Home Theater and your beautiful labor of love! If you'd like to see more pictures of Lex's setup, check out his Wall 'O Fame page.

If you'd like to share details of yourself, your theater and its unique construction and design, please feel free to shoot us an email.

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