Ahh... the width of the UNSTRETCHED image. That makes a big difference... and makes more sense now that I think about it. I'm probably going to end up with the projector 14 feet away and a 6 foot unstretched width, so should be solidly in the green.

My new Z4 projector has a "zoom" setting which, at first glance, seems to automatically expand a 2.35 movie to full height. Running it with a 480p input right now -- I know some projectors won't zoom a 720p input the same way they do with 480, and others won't zoom an HDMI input, but I'll see how far I can go without a video processor or HTPC.

Yes, Randy, I can see from my own typing that some time in the last couple of hours I gave in. Not gonna buy any more toys until I sell the old house though.

M60ti, VP180, QS8, M2ti, EP500, PC-Plus 20-39
M5HP, M40ti, Sierra-1
LFR1100 active, ADA1500-4 and -8