So how’s your constant area project going?

I’m now felling your pain. I mounted my Panny 900 yesterday and watched some different DVD’s on my fancy shmancy flannel off-white bed sheet. No sound yet and I wish I would have ironed the sheet first. After a couple hours of watching wrinkled movies with the gentle hum of the projector above me for sound, I am about to give up on the hole constant height thing I was planning on doing. When I plop my ass down to watch a movie I just want to hit a button or two on the remote. I don’t want to be screwing around with manual zooming, lens shifting or masking or messing with lenses. I’m now thinking that I’m just going to go with a 16.9 screen and live with the black bars on the top and bottom. They’re not all that noticeable to me anyway. My pending delema is that I’m sitting 12’ away from the bed sheet and I just can’t seam to find the ‘happy’ screen size for all the different movie A/R's.

One thing’s for certain though, I’m really digging the ‘big picture’ experience. I can’t wait to get some sound. I figure the bed sheet will be on the wall for a few weeks until I can figure out what screen size I like. I might even take it down and iron it.