Jack, I really enjoy your writing style and I always have a smile when I read posts in this message board or any other. I try to contribute as much as possible, but I don't know much about a lot so I defer to the experts. Your point about using a line conditioner for the "right reasons" is what I really meant to find out with this thread. I'm not nor will I ever say my amp will perform better or my speakers will sound better if I have an A/C line conditioner. I really wanted one for protection and security and peace of mind. It's a lot of money to invest in equipment to just leave it up to chance of not blowing it up with a ligthening strike or something that home owners insurance will not pay for - even with a deductible. Thanks for all the advice and input -god bless us, everyone (Charles Dickens writing for Tim Cratchit - props)

M22v3;VP150;QS8;Hsu VTF3-MK4 sub