Yes, Tower has changed their site effective June 1st and although they say that a "new and improved" classical section will be forthcoming, there're at least two problems now. The first, as you discovered, is that the old CD numbering has been changed so that the numerous links that I've given in the past few years aren't usable. Whether any of the old data, including your wish list, can be retrieved is unclear; possibly you might drop an e-mail to to inquire(indicating of course that you were ready to buy dozens of their CDs that were linked on your audio discussion board).

The second problem, which I suspect will change even if the old numbers are gone forever, is the present lack of sound samples.

Yes, don't go to Borders or anyplace else and just grab a CD because it happens to contain that same musical composition. Many works have dozens of different recordings available which differ significantly in the quality of conducting, playing and sound.

I'll be glad to give you currently usable Tower links for what you think you may be especially interested in. I'd prefer not to re-do that entire list now, which would be a bit tedious. Possibly you have in mind a few that seemed especially attractive, or I could give a short starter list.

Edit: Rodney I was away from the computer briefly and sent my reply without looking at your latest. Some of what I said is now moot, but yes, posting the new links would be helpful. If you want me to check your Borders for what's currently in stock, I'd do that, although I suppose you could do it yourself if you have specific items that you want.

Last edited by JohnK; 06/10/07 02:23 AM.