There are certain people in this world who thrive on their own misery and who endeavor with all their energy to make you share it.

Certain amateur VP150 reviewers suffer this trait.

I think my VP100 sounds great. I've never heard the VP150. You don't have anything to lose with the 30-day trial period. If you like it, that's great. If you don't, send it back.

Look, lots of people really like Axiom speakers. Some people don't care for them (for reasons that are a complete mystery to me) and are very vocal about it. Whatever floats your boat.

Not to the Original Poster, but... This again reminds me of the Sweet Potato Queens' Big Ass Cookbook and Financial Planner: "Get happy, don't get happy; it's the shuttin' up that counts".

You'll probably want a sub. The EP500 is a monster, but you could also consider options from Hsu, SVS, Outlaw and others in the $500-800 range if you need to save some money (and are willing to sacrifice accordingly). Any of those would be great.

bibere usque ad hilaritatem