Re: fear of bad impressions while waiting for carpet.

My M60s were the first things I unboxed so I would have unpacking tunes. They were set up in a large room, open to some other rooms with wood floors and zero furniture. The room sounded like the big empty room that it was, but I certainly didn't get a bad impression. Even in a big empty room I knew right away they were miles better than anything I owned before. The box-like sound went away once we added furniture and stuff. Aside from a rug under the coffee table, I still have no carpet and do not find them bright.

I will be putting carpet in my dedicated HT room when it's built but only because I'm going for closer to perfection in there, just cause I can. I'm still happy with my two M60s setups now. Stereo living room and 5.1 TV room, both with wood floors.

With great power comes Awesome irresponsibility.