As for your question about the stands, do you have small children or pets? I had the M22s (on SS16 stands) for a while and I found them to be a little too top-heavy for my comfort with a small infant in the house--at least that's the argument that worked on my wife to allow me to upgrade to the M60s If my argument hadn't of worked, I was planning on filling them with ballast (the upright tube could have held some steel shot or something) to try and make them more stable.

I also think the M22s would be more than adequate. And, even though I stuck with the M60s, I would have been just as happy with the M22s sound-wise (thought the M60s seemed too fill my 13'x28'x7' room a little better).

I have the SVS PB1-ISD, their smallest "box" sub and have been very pleased with it.