Health care is provincial, so it differs a lot from province to province. For Quebec, answers would be:

1. No, improve it maybe, but not replace it. Mostly because it is available to everyone.

2. No. Surgeries that can wait (no discomfort, no danger to life...) may have in certain cases that long a wait, but it is not usually unduely long. I do not have stats under my hand.

3. Public insurance (goverment sponsored): none at all (you go at your drugstore and the drugstore bills you (minimal) and the bulk of the bill goes to governement. For private insurances, some have that service (cost the same as public one) or a little less and then you have to fill a 2 minutes form.

4. Hard to compute since it is moslty through income taxes. The additional health care insurances (dental, meds and so on) amount (for me) at about 0.8% of my net salary.

5. I would have to study more for that one.

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