Hey, I finally got the processor through my friend. I put off the motherboard, memory, and video card purchases until now. I'm still leaning toward the 3870 for the video card. I've been reading through reviews, but I'm still not finding everything. Does anyone know a lot about replacing stock fans on video cards? I want to make it as quiet and effective as possible.

Also, I imagine I'll be going DDR2 for memory. I'll probably go with 4 gigs. I'm going to be using Vista Ultimate 64-bit. Do you think it could be worth it to get 8 gigs? It's not like DDR2 memory is outrageously expensive, like DDR3 still is.

Also, if anyone has any insight on eSATA, I'm all ears. It seems like going with a DDR2 board I probably won't be able to get onboard eSATA. Information about eSATA cards seems to be scarce.

I'd love updated recommendations now that I have the processor and can finally finish my computer in the next month. I'm researching on my own, but it's hard to find all of the information I want.

Thanks for any and all help!