True enough Jason. I had converted my water cooling system to passive cooling by lengthening my external pipes and attaching two in floor heating pipe radiators. One to the input side of the loop and one to the output. I wouldn't recommend it for heavy over-clockers but it worked nicely for me. The water pump noise was not noticeable at all in that room. For me the PC was almost silent except for the hard drive. It was older and easily heard.

It took some tweaking to hook the radiators effectively to the smaller pipes.

In hind site, the whole thing was ridiculous. I just wanted to make a totally silent PC. I would have succeeded if I could have found a quiet hard drive at a price I was willing to spend at the time.

I understand your fears. Adding water into a PC does seem foolish but I was impressed with how everything fit together. Not even a hint of a leak in two years.

With great power comes Awesome irresponsibility.