Nice...3-5 day shipping got it to me in exactly 2 days. I ordered Sunday, it was waiting for me on Monday. However, I'm only a hop and a skip away from the distribution center.

Congrats :-)

You'll want to go to and treat yourself to 1080p trailers. It's great.

Look on the back and tell me what revision you get...I have an A00. You may or may not have the problem where there's a little sparkly "edge" to text if you look closely.

When you get your mointor, immediately set it to the "Graphics" Color setting mode and Custom (R,G,B) mode. Every other setting is pure crap IMO.

Wait patiently for the A02 revision...and we'll be good \:D

Last edited by danmagicman7; 04/26/08 05:52 PM.