Just remember that if you sit down and work on technique every day BEFORE just jamming out, you will be better off in the end. A lot of new drummers (as I would guess would be the case with many instruments) want to just jam out all of the time, and while that is great fun, you need to discipline yourself, even for just 10 minutes, and work on technique... Then jam out, play attention to the technique that you have been working on (stick placement on the heads, wrist/finger movements, proper posture, steady beat, whatever)...


PS. I've got a Pearl bass drum pedal too. The one I have can add a second pedal for my left foot as well, but I think that in 2 years they discontinued it or something because the price for the 2nd pedal add-on is $200 when it was about $100 a year ago.

Farewell - June 4, 2020