Adrian, thanks for the note on the Paradigm, I will check those out. I had found that Sonic Boom was the SVS Canadian distributor and was thinking about calling them to see what they have in stock, because I do find a difference between what the SVS site says the current models are and the Sonic Boom site as well as some dead links on the Sonic Boom site on one of the products I'd like to know more about, 20-39PCi.

Micah - I had done enough reading to this point to realize that the sub 20Hz was the bass you felt and didn't actually hear and that it is related more to movies then music. And I had read enough of your thread to realize that you were quite happy with the 800 in music performance and it was only letting you down in the movies... the iron man sequence is one I've gone back and familiarized myself with for when it comes time to audition \:\)

That is one of my thoughts/fears that if I don't spend >1k on a sub I won't get the expereince I'm looking for. I need to start listening to some more subs, if I can find some <20Hz subs to listen to, like some of the SVS line, I think that would help make me decide if I can actually hear/feel the difference between a <20Hz sub or not.