One of my previous supervisors here was very uptight about people getting along (civil service bureaucracies seem to foster those types (uptight that is)). There was a dry-erase training status board on one wall of the break room. Periodically I would write derogatory things in the training status next to my name. He would get so pissed off and call everyone together and “lay-down-the-law” that this type of behavior must stop and that he would support me filing a hostile work environment complaint against the perpetrator. To quote Bugs Bunny “What a maroon.”

I corresponded a lot with one of my cousins while I was in the Marine Corps. When she went off to university she complained she didn’t get enough mail. So I enlisted the help of my machinegun section and we got every magazine we had (mostly. . . well you know) and cut out the coupons for every free thing we could possibly send for putting her name and address on it.

She wrote to mention getting some odd mail including some very interesting “toys.” A week later she reported getting more stuff than would fit in her dorm mailbox. Then it hit the fan (I guess places started selling their mailing lists) and for about 3 weeks they just delivered her mail in a full sized mail bag which she had to sort though to find any legit stuff. She said she had no problem getting rid of most of the “toys” by just piling them on a table in their common room. I guess I was very popular on her girls dorm floor after that.

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