Originally Posted By: sirquack
we filled our boss's cubical with peanuts, the Styrofoam kind.

I’ve always wanted to get someone with packing peanuts but haven’t gotten the chance.

A group of bosses (about 5) were standing around in the engine shop (big open area) having a secret squirrel meeting. I just happened to have a dummy grenade in my backpack ran and got it and rolled it through the door in between them. Then walked in picked it up and said “Just practicing.” Kind of surprised that one didn’t get me called on the carpet or sent for counseling.

At officer candidate school another sergeant and I recruited a few others to get the training officers. The next time something when wrong and they started calling for someone to fess up to blowing it the other sergeant stepped forward and said “I am Spartacus!” Of course I then stepped up and said “No, I am Spartacus!” Followed by another and another until people we hadn’t previously talked to were doing it. Our trainers finally had to cry uncle because they completely lost control.

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