I never have and never will ridicule Bose. I look at Emotiva the same way I look at AV123 because IMO they have a nearly identical business model, one which I personally wasn’t comfortable dealing with, however, that doesn’t in any way diminish the good experiences others have had with both companies (all three if you count Bose).

If Axiom does something I think is wrong I take them to task here in the forum, the EP350 amp pictures is and example, or my less than stellar reviews of the VP150. I see a problem I’m going to talk about it and the problem I see with Emotiva right now is a company who’s products get over hyped by a core group of people (including a professional review site) and who’s business model IMO in not one that bodes well for the long term success. That doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with any of their products just that for me the risk in doing business with them does not outweigh the benefit of the price of their product. For others it worth it, hell there are still people ordering double MFW-15s from AV123 because they are a “smoking hot deal.”

And rest assured that any tongue lashing either Emo or AV123 gets here is nothing compared to what is being said about them in other forums were people aren’t nearly a civil. I think a lot of what you are seeing is the backlash from Emo being over-hyped on various internet forums. Eventually when their products get into the hands of more diverse people who don’t see the stuff as “game changing” and say so it starts flame wars with the fanboys which in turn generates even more bad blood toward the brand. I’m sure every new internet brand goes through some sort of grown pains, I just don’t like what I see below the surface in Emotiva when layers of it‘s onion are peeled back. YMMV.

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