Without having heard the conversation between customer service and the customer, who can say what transpired that may have lead to Axiom's conclusion that they would not replace the tweeter because of suspected abuse (not covered under their warranty)?

All in all, i think the forum posters tend to be avid and interested audiophiles who are not prone to destroying their equipment (although some do modify their with other components which could also invalidate the warranty). That doesn't mean a family member wasn't responsible in some way, etc. etc.

Axiom does still have to watch out for their bottom line and perhaps there's been a huge increase in driver replacements lately; people cranking up the power for whatever reasons with the mindset that Axiom customer service is so good, they'll just replace something if it breaks anyway so why worry about damaging one's tweeters/drivers?

I'm just playing devil's advocate and granted the idea is far fetched, but jumping onto a 'bash Axiom' bandwagon into the forum without us non-witness bystanders knowing accurately all that transpired, all the information that was exchanged, really just pushes Axiom to have to fix the problem for fear of PR backlash.

I'm glad they will help to fix the problem but Axiom is still a privately owned, for-profit COMPANY.
Gotta keep that in mind.
They can't be everyone's best friend although it is nice that they do try.

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."