Heard M22s and M80/VP180/QS8 today. Was definitely impressed. (But then I came home and was impressed by mine too). The M22s don't have the same range, obviously, but their imaging was spectacular.

I've been saying all along that I don't require a lot of bass, but I'm thinking that I'm more used to my two powered subs built in than I thought.

Anyway, I may still consider the M80s, but the M22 are definitely the clear leader right now. For their price, they're incredible.

Anyone have any experience with the in-cabinets? I ask because I wonder if the fireplace "box" could count as a cabinet. Maybe I could cut a new rectangular white crossing piece for the mantel with the center channel built in. There's no in-wall 150, but there is an in-cabinet. And I think there's enough space back there for it to take the full 6.5" depth.