Originally Posted By: CatBrat
Just thinking out loud... If the upper bass punch was meant to be heard, wouldn't that be reflected in the recording, and not force listeners to adjust their sound system to produce it?

With the mid bass punch there is also the issue of speaker to listener distance which is IMO one of the most noticeable things that changes with distance. If I sit six feet from my M80s I feel an intense mid bass punch but as I reach 12 feet my normal listening distance it diminishes considerably as the direct energy from the speaker drops off and blends more with the reflected energy from the room surfaces. Unless you know something about what the sound engineer intended, like the EBM I listen to, hard to say how much punch they intended you to feel.

So for things like explosions in HT listening I go with experience which tells me that shock waves are directional and can carry one hell of a wallop. This is why I usually have my front speakers crossed over around 40-50Hz since where I have to place my subwoofer for the flattest bass is not the best place for delivering mid bass punch to the chest. Still eyeballing one of those HSU mid bass modules, maybe a tax refund purchase. . . .

3M80 2M22 6QS8 2M2 1EP500 Sony BDP-S590 Panny-7000 Onkyo-3007 Carada-134 Xbox Buttkicker AS-EQ1