Several states are considering re-editing Twain's Huck Finn, et al, to take out the 200+ instances of the "n" word. Time and place, folks, time and place. A marker of historic time and place.

Hey, let's hold Rubens accountable for sexism, and our forefathers for thinking slavery was OK. And let's hold Freud accountable for getting so much of it wrong.

And, All in the Family is being pulled from (ancient) syndication in many American markets because of the racial and ethnic slurs being currently un-p.c.

As for the word "faggot," I prefer, gifted, artistic, sensitive or "you no good filthy co_ _su_ _er."

Depends on what I'm doing when they say it. (insert smiley face)

Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.