Originally Posted By: wid

I find it funny all you white boys have such guilt about the word nigger. Where the hell did you guys grow up, white bread world.

Before you fellas get dead in my ass, I have a black sister in law, nephew, niece and my niece is dating a black man. These guys don't get no where near as upset about the use of the word as you guys do.

Rick, buddy, I don't know if you're referring to me, but I could honestly care less what anyone has to say. Even though I find that word disgraceful, freedom of speech prevails.

As a juxtaposition to your family experience and the use of the word nigger; my best friend is brown, along with his brother and obviously his mother (my second mother). They absolutely abhor the word, and my best friend has actually been called it twice before.

I think it's important to not apply our experiences with our close friends and family, to the rest of society. You guys know very well that I could care less if somebody called me a gimp, but I don't think that you guys would walk up to someone else with a physical handicap and call them a gimp.

I don't know any of your family members, but it would be interesting to know if they would be accepting of the word nigger if it came from someone else that they didn't know, or was used in a distasteful way, which was the case with my best friend.

Rightly so, I don't think any black person would take kindly to a random white person coming up to them and kindly saying "excuse me nigger, could I ask for your assistance", rather than "excuse me sir/ma'am, could I ask for your assistance".

That's just my perception of things, my friend; I'm quite possibly wrong.


Last edited by wheelz999; 01/15/11 10:08 PM.

The only reasonable argument for owning a gun is to protect yourself from the police.