Some other things I don't get....Bono(not Sonny, the Irish one), Cosby Show, the "English" they teach in the US, calculus(I used to get it, but forgot it), Phil Collins, premium grade gas, anchovies on my pizza, why Aliens always attack NY or LA but no other cities, basketball(only need to play the last 2 min), people who buy small cars to save gas but drive with their foot glued to the floorboard, why the recording industry(mainstream) keeps churning out the same thing yr after yr as if we don't notice, a ladder taller than 20ft(that's my max), how gas stations claim they only make a couple of cents profit on gasoline but the guy down the road is a few cents cheaper, involved with neighbours who want me to 'help' them on renovations, how unions went from improving safety on the job to wanting twice as much $$ to do half as much work, why music stores have everything Justin Bieber has recorded but none of the blues music I was looking for(kind of like your supermarket only selling hamburger but not steak, because they sell more), why I have hair growing in unneccessary places, why people buy auto shifts in cars like Corvettes and 911s(paddles ok, not auto thou), hmmmm....that's it for the time being....I probably need another coffee now.....

Last edited by Adrian; 02/26/11 11:22 PM.

Half of communication is listening. You can't listen with your mouth.