The orthodox mob here (you'll know them by the number of posts - 8,000 plus) believe as an article of faith that there is no difference in sound quality among different solid state amps.

Although it may appear to be a bizarre article of faith, nevertheless, it is central to the mantra of these true believers. They mock people who disagree with them. You may notice that on many occasions they are the only members on the board. They do not usually post alone, but in series. They have managed to reduce the traffic on this site to almost zero, but they have accomplished their goal of keeping out the riff raff who disagree with them. Yes, the faithful here share the true faith. Here are the tenets you must believe:

1. The only component which effects sound quality is the speaker and as to that, Axioms are the best.

2. All solid state amps (well designed) of similar power output sound identical.

3. All tube amplifiers are merely distortion generators.

4. All digital audio sources (DVD, CD) perfectly reproduce sound quality since the data consists only of 1's and 0's.

5. All Cables and interconnects of sufficient gauge sound identical.

Now, if you disagree with any of these tenets of the one true audio faith, you are subject to a lecture from he who knows it all, hi John, snarky insults from the sarcastic sycophant, hi there pmb, or their clack of flacks, hey Jake.

Govern your conduct accordingly.

As for me, I just felt a bit sarcastic today myself.

Enjoy the Music. Trust your ears. Laugh at Folks Who Claim to Know it All.