re catbrat: "I remember reading how recent DNA studies from samples taken around the globe have concluded that the human race can be traced back to a single person. To me, that in itself is a major proof of the creation theory."

if my memory serves me right, the research indicates that today's humans are all descendant of one man, a certain time ago, and one woman, at another time period;
it also says that the reason for this is that all other men and women of those 2 time periods and earlier do not have descendants today, their lines were extinguished.
another way of saying this is: 100000 years in the future, they will make DNA studies and find that all the living humans are descendants of only one woman living in the year 1500 BC and one man living on the other side of the earth in the year 3400 AD; every other living person of those periods and earlier do not have any descendants in the year 100000.
Adam and Eve? :-(

2 well known books about the subject were written by Brian Sykes.

it's always a good thing to be very careful when reading scientific literature in order not to misinterpret what is written.
scientific literature must always be read with no preconceptions or bias, but with an open mind.

Last edited by J. Bellemare; 04/26/11 03:24 PM.