OK. I'll start with one.

Most of the taller bldgs. in Boston were being built while I was in high school. The elevator technology wasn't what it is now and the first touch-sensitive light-up buttons were just coming into use. Many of them had a fatal flaw that I accidentally discovered.

So, as an afterschool law-firm messenger, I would go to the delivery address and wait with everyone else for the next lift. If there were too many people, and I were going to the 28th floor, I would try to be the first one on.

I would stand in the corner blocking everyone's view of the buttons, as they each would call out their floor. The minute I got on, I had punched the whole panel right in the middle and all the buttons would light up. I'd just be saying "Got it, got it. Anyone else?"

When the elevator would stop at the 2nd floor, I'd dash out and hear, as the doors closed, the tumtultuous grumbling when 11 people saw that every floor button was lighted. Then, grinning wildly, I would get on the first elevator to stop @ #2 next, which was always empty, and I'd have an express ride to #28.

Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.