thats was not a my way or highway at all. It just seems that Richard Clark is the only fall back that the (all amps sound the same camp) have. This thiking that Richard Clark is right and everyone else on the planet is stupid gets my feathers ruffled. (plus my boss has me pissied off right now too grin)

I would be the last person to tell someone what to believe. My point is that it seems more and more the few are once again trying to control the many. I like big shiny powerful things theymake me happy ,why does it bother other people that i spent my money in this way ,and they feel they have to convince me otherwise. Another forum i go to and mostly read and dont post has some members that come right out and attack anyone who says amps sound different.I just dont care for people that feel there lot in life is to make everyone think like them. Ah crap these threads always end up the same way, pass the popcorn grin

DOG is GOD spelled backwards.
What others think of me is none of my business.
M80 V3 MY GLOSS Cherry