Six pages about a teensy plastic "boat" with an Islamic sail. Yup, THAT's the kind of excitment I signed up for! That little beef tart who's captaining it would have to show up at my door naked, with all of this thread's posts glued to his flesh (low-tack glue, please---don't wanna damage the merchie) for me to read anymore. I'd read it as he's dancing for me, while pretending to be an Afghan warlord.

Come to think of it, most threads here are about the acquisition of something expensive that no one really needs. Wait! It's even more than that! It's the entire premise, isn't it? Well, then, I guess I don't really NEED a dancing beef tart, do I? No, no, that's wrong. I'm supposed to acquire one, then write about it with pics. OK, now I think I've got it.

Edit: Hold the phone! I want to renegotiate my Hobie Cat fantasy. Can you send him to my door wearing a Pirates of Penzance costume? He can be carrying a period-appropriate little leather satchel. You can stuff the thread posts in there. I'll get to them, eventually.

Last edited by BobKay; 06/30/12 03:20 PM.

Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.