Be not ashamed WF! I can tell you. I've noticed tonal differences myself. To my ears the center sounds very "middie". My own word. Meaning the mids seem jacked on it compared to other speakers. This could be due to the three mids on it But to add to all this, I've used that center channel now with THREE different receivers and it's still more more "middie" than the rest. Perhaps this is just something to adjust to. Don't get me wrong. I think the center sounds good...but the highs seem to be more hidden behind the mids. Perhaps this merits more experimentation. All speakers I had were calibrated to 75 db using the Avia disk. But I did audible test prior to having the Avia disk. Anyone have any thoughts? Is it just a "get used to it thing"? I mean, I have a 53" tv. It has it's own built on stand so I can't place the speaker beneath it. Shy of having it on top and angling it down I'd have to put it on the floor or on a small stand. Having two can imagine that makes me a slight bit nervous...not to mention I don't think it would be the most attractive display seeing as my tv is black and speaker is cherry.

Thanks all...

"We're on the island of Misfit Toys"