Originally Posted By oakvillematt
Originally Posted By chesseroo
Uh, most people i know still don't even have a 5.1 sound system which is why i find it amazing that these new and expanding sound formats are coming out.
Who exactly are they pushing this stuff on?
The 1% of the population?

You have to realize that there is a number of people who honestly believe that

a) the surround setting on their will give them actual surround sound
b) that a soundbar that has 5 speakers inside of it is 5.1 surround sound
c) that walmart sells high end sound systems but at a more reasonable price point

I don't know about 'belief' but you touched on one point that is always a priority; cost.
Most people don't want to afford $2k for a complete, quality home surround system.
Most don't even want to pay $500 for that.
Quality is a moot point.


I don't know what the Dolby people are really thinking. The only thought pattern that I can figure is they use the throw everything at the wall and see what sticks. There is the Dolby Vision standard that they are pushing now.

I personally found I didn't find any benefit from 7.1 over 5.1 so I put my money into getting the best 5.2 that I could justify and will be the point that I stop at. Your thought of the 1%, I think that might be an optimistic number for Atmos/DTS-X

Yes throwing something until it sticks sounds about right.
My estimate of 1% is for any surround format, not just the latest.
My sample size is rather small though and where i live, people are outright skinflint bargain hunting yard sale shoppers so there is a huge bias towards "the best deal" which more often than not is pretty junky or a damaged purchase.

My own system is 5.1 but setup for 7.2 at any time.
I myself haven't felt the need to move to 2 extra speakers and another sub and i love this stuff.

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."