Since this thread was long ago hijacked, it's a good place to bury things, I think.

How is it that when you guys from Canada talk politics, you hardly ever go all Naomi Campbell on each other. We can't do that. and now more than ever in my politically-aware lifetime!

So if you've been paying any attention, you may have heard the ex-pres of Mexico, Vicente Fox, remark on Mr. Trump's idea of a border-long wall and making Mexico pay for it (it involved an f-bomb). And, once again, if you've been paying attention to what's going on down here, CANADA should build a wall. You cannot care WHO pays for it. It's too late for that. You gotta start now!

In the old days, it was easy to tell from which camp those rushing north emanated. They were either running from a crime, or they were committing one by going just by going there---knowingly.

Now, unfortunately, you, CANADA, run the risk of any and everyone trying to flee over your borders. Unlike Syria, or Iraq, those who may come from here will have no paramount reason. They will still be arguing over the reasons they are fleeing in the first place. It's gonna make the re-unification of Germany look like coaching a high school marching band.

I'm tellin' ya, "loogout."

Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.