I felt the same way when I started out. My kid got a cheap 5.1 HTIB for Christmas from his mom and that lasted about a month and igot the bug and its been non stop since LOL. For reference I was a real 2 channel nut with lots of equipment then kids happened then I got hooked on HT and man it get expensive. Anyway what I have found is that you should not be able to detect the source of the sound and when you achieve that your have reach nirvana. I have an emotiva processor and their is an upgrade coming for atmos which I am eager to try and hope like hell it delivers since it will be a huge expense. Atmos should be the next step in filling in any voids and lessening the ability to pinpoint the speakers. Baby steps man LOL.

DOG is GOD spelled backwards.
What others think of me is none of my business.
M80 V3 MY GLOSS Cherry