Thanks guys. I definitely intend to take advantage of the customer service I've heard such good things about. But thought I'd get some pre-call insight.

I've thought of the M22s, but they'd have to fit in the same spaces on stands I guess. Hanging them from the walls would probably have a lower WAF than the floorstanders.

And I'm used to floorstanders from my previous life (i.e. when I previously listened to music semi-seriously - anyone remember the Design Acoustics brand from the 70's?).

Are the concerns that I could do with a smaller speaker or that the M22s would actually produce better sound in the environment they'd be in?

While we're at it, any thoughts on the other HT items? VP150 or is VP100 more than enough?

QS8s or are QS4s more than enough? Or with the proximity to the back wall, should I look to in-ceiling speakers such as Klipsch/Niles/Infinity, etc?

As always, thanks a bunch