Well folks, I do certainly appreciate the opinions/suggestions. And no offense taken at room rearrangement comments, Haoleb, Tom, et al. The problem is it won't work. I think if you looked hard at the orig diagram you'd see my point, but I've included another diag. below to illustrate. In this setup I've got a lot fewer good viewing angles/seats, all of which are closer to the screen, and the right speaker is being blocked quite a bit by the couch. (The couch is a joined unit and there's really no way to reposition although I've moved it down a foot in this case.) Plus, the spread b/w the speakers is almost a foot less. If I move the tv more to the left, people are now going to be cranking their necks a bit. Not to mention (although I'm about to aren't I?) that in order to move the couch to open up for the speaker I need to move the pool table - that's a hundred or to to have done right.

I guess it comes down to the fact that the room needs to function well for several diff activities. Compromises need to be made in order to have proper traffic lanes, room to shoot pool, etc. Really, I'm not craving the ultimate HT experience. Good stereo music listening is much more important to me. Although I realize there may be difficulties in getting that optimized, I may just give the M60s a try and see how it goes. I'm very concerned about catching the "whatifitis" bug that I'm very susceptible to.

Is the general consensus that the M22s would be able to satisfy and that the M60s would not add much value to the music listening experience?

Tom, you wrote:

"I had them in a similar space initially, and it was wonderful."

If you hadn't been able to move them to a better locale, would you have preferred to have had M22s in that original spot instead of the M60s?