Wow, Denver, you da man!! (I'm curious though how you managed to so nicely manipulate my Smartdraw file - hopefully not too much effort needed?) And thanks also to refinements by ringmir. This is a layout I can work with (read: pitch to the wife with some hope of success) There are definitely some advantages to making this move. Huffer, I don't think going with the tv on the top wall works as the piano gets no viable home and the couch closes off the room too much. I've run some additional tweaks below:

Here are some of the pluses from our current setup:

1 Well, obviously I get a much better music listening experience. HT much better as well. I'm back to a 6.1 config.

2. I've got a place to put components instead of stuck in a rack in front of the tv.

3. I can pitch the benefits of the long table I've put behind the couch as a solution for putting drinks, etc. vs. a tray on the couch

4. Yes, the store room doorway is blocked but what the heck, we don't frequently go in/out, we hate looking at it and now we're facing away, we can still get at it and get things out. If we need to do signif. box moving etc. I can move part of the couch

5. This solution doesn't require moving the pool table which is a hassle and an expense. I've moved it back to where it is now in the above diagram.

6. The piano actually seems less like an afterthought there as it is faced by the couch; i.e. I can sit relax and listen to my wife play (I'm doing my own rehearsal here, can you tell?)

7. I can still reasonably re-angle the tv to be watchable from the pool table area when the boys come over to shoot some pool, catch a game and dring some brews (not necessarily in that order mind you).

8. Overall, the arrangement may make the space seem larger, more open, although the way it is now there is a nice feel of a cozy viewing area - it's just too damned hard to get the sound waves to cooperate as it is now.

Whew, give me some more time and I'm sure I can fabricate, ahem, identify more advantages to increase the WAF.

Admittedly, while the diagrams help, it won't be till I actually move the stuff that I'll have a good feel. That won't happen till the time when my wife is out and my son (18 and tall like his dad) is home.

Thanks again to all who pitched in. Boy, typing all this is not just a good way to get my case in shape for the boss, it's like a bloody cathartic experience. I want my nice tunes!!!

I will be sure to keep you posted and you can be sure I'll have more questions. There's still a receiver to buy and the other half of the room to discuss - "Zone 2" (I gotta have close tunes while shooting pool don't I???)

Also, I saw a post elswhere re: digital music. I'm researching best ways to get my extensive mp3s accessible.

Again, my thanks and kindest regards to all.