Not a half bad idea Mark, thanks. See the fruits of your inspiration below.

But you forget one thing, my friend; the WAF, e.g.: "OK for you to just roll the piano in a corner - you don't play now do you?"

Not to mention swinging the speakers/receiver past the WAF given several other 'toys' I've picked up recently, now throw in a new chair 'necessitated' in order to utilize said speakers. Ouch. I'll need to do some heavy strategizing before going down this road!

You know, in all this rigamarole (yes, I did need to look up that spelling ) and options explored, there's still no friggin good place to put a media rack. Note in my first diag I've got it laying low in front of the tv.

Also, any thoughts on whether I would need a VP150 or whether VP100 would be more than enough? Same for QS8 vs QS4?

thanks a bunch guys for your patience and perseverance.