Fabulous drawings. I envy.

To answer your question directly, I wanted floorstanders. No amount of rationalizing was going to get me any way "happy" or "satisfied" by buying even wonderful bookshelves like the M22. I was also thinking in terms of long-term flexibility. You may not always have the couch, piano, pool table, etc. in that room. You obviously want the M60's. I'm not going to try to talk you out of them. I had them in a 13' deep room with the couch on one side and the speakers and a big RPTV on the other. Small imaging sweet-spot, but full, rich, fabulous sound. Get 'em and don't look back.

The QS4's now have the same tweeter as the 8's. If you are not pursuing SACD or DVDA, I'm sure they will provide wonderful surround for you, especially if your receiver has good bass management that would allow you to vary the sub crossover point for each speaker.

Both the VP100 and 150 seem universally loved. It is a difficult question because that is a big room, but you are not really using much of it for the HT.

I still really like the most recent scenario the best by a wide margin, especially with Jack's idea about mitigating the couch somewhat.

When can you come draw my house? My wife LIKES to rearrange furniture.

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