I agree. I have my sub amp back (looks like a new one) and although I do think that with very deep bass (pipe organ and action movies) the EP800 does add move volume, I pondered multiple times if I would recommend someone to get M100s without sub (and then add it later) over M80s + sub if price is an issue. Very interesting question. Right now I am using the dual config of my D2v to have one with sub and the other one without. I added a "pick random config" to my remote software. I have to admit, so far I didn't really managed to consistently be right, especially if I leave the room for a few minutes and then get back in (to make sure I don't hear the slight telltale sign of the switch). But I'm at least 50% of the time right, so I'm halfway there.

Even with pipe organ with very low pedal works, the M100s wowed me too!

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