Originally Posted by LondonCalling
My daughter is in Earth Sciences- Water (Hydrogeology I think) . We think she made a smart choice with all this talk of impending fresh water shortages.
Talk of impending?
Oh, we've been there for some time. Joe Blow in Canada doesn't see it yet but Alberta will soon be one of the first.
They started trading 'water futures' funds in California recently. When people start putting a formal price on water, air is next. Nothing like pricing out the fundamentals of life so those who can't afford it will bow even more to the rich.

Don't get me started on the issue of water and our other broadly disturbing environmental issues.
People have no clue how bad things are.
They won't until it hits them in their own backyard and then just like everything else that happens in this world, we'll see knee jerk reaction to get onboard and find a way to repair....if it isn't already too late.

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."