thanks for the comment regarding my trying to be thorough with my review.

i am not sure if i agree with the idea of bringing all the speakers to my home for comparison... my reason being that there is no way i can AB compare all the speakers quickly enough nor do i have the equipment to connect 4 or 5 sets of speakers all at once.

however, i will say this, i agree that speakers sound different at home and at the acoustically treated store - which is exactly why i brought the axioms to the store and brought the polks home to also do a direct compare in my bedroom.

as much as some people would like to see a in-home shootout... there is NO WAY i could afford to have the paradigm sigs, paradigm refs, both sonus fabers, both polk rtis, both polk lsi, the bostons, and the bw nautilus 805s... at the same time. hehehehe.. however, a man can dream cant he? hehehehe... would be nice to have all those in my room though!

sutter, i will send you pm real soon buddy - give me some time, im kind of tired of typing at the moment. =)

JOEY's PC Sound System: Polk LSi7 (x4, mains and rears) and SVS 25-31PC+ (sub)