
LOL, well yeah I know dude. I know your circumstance a little better then some do. It would be very hard for you to cram all those speakers into your room. lol

I'll tell ya though, ya know this topic, subject, whatever is so very subjective that it really boils down to individual taste. I love my Axioms to death, I honestly do, but there's a few other brands that I like as well. For my money though, I just don't think one can do much better then Axiom, again, at least not for the money, not without having to spend a lot more.

In your case, I know you like Axioms. You went out to compare hoping they'd kill a lot of the competition. In the process however you found a set of speakers that sounded better to you, and hey, nobody can fault you for that. Hell I looked at those Polks myself, in the floorstanding series. I thought they sounded great too, but not for that kind of money. lol

I just felt the Axioms where a much better buy, and they can certainly hold their own. It's like MikeS said in another post. God I hope I don't screw up what he said. lol But you hear people say how Axioms are better then speakers costing twice as much, this is a very true statement that I think most would agree with, but the thing to remember is, that nobody is saying they're better then all speakers that cost twice as much. They're better then some, and not then others.

It all boils down to your ears and taste my friend. I'm really glad you got some speakers you like though. Maybe someday you'll give Axioms floor standers a try/chance, that is when you have more room to work with. lol

I'll look for your PM over on the Spot buddy, that's where I sent you a PM. Talk with ya soon.

Sutter Cane