Occam's Razor actually works against you here. Given that measurements taken during controlled scientific tests indicate that using differnet speaker wires or power cables of at least adequate construction do not result in perceptible differences, which is more likely the case:

a. that any differences perceived by the human ear actually do not exist and are a result of other factors.


b. that any differences perceived by the human ear do exist, meaning that the human ear is some sensitive than scientific measuring devices.

Since it can easily be proven that scientific measuring devices (waveform analyzers, current/voltmeters, decibel meters) are MUCH more sensitive than the human ear, this is also why cognitive dissonance (CD) plays a role. CD is a given since you to continue to assert that your ears are far superior to said tools for the purpose of detecting differences.

Last edited by pmbuko; 01/18/05 07:32 PM.