OK, I'm feeling a bit guilty because some of you (John, in particular) are taking time to help me through this, but basing much of it on a "test" graph, not one from the actual listening position. Remember that first graph was something of a test to try to analyze a difference in speaker distance from the wall and was measured with something more akin to a "close-mic" method. Some of the details that apply to that particular graph may not be indicative of what I'm getting from the sweetspot.


This morning I plotted a new graph (from the sweetspot) for the Left and Right M60s, with my sub engaged at a 100Hz crossover, but varying whether the receiver was set to "Large" or "Small".

I think it's interesting what you can see from a graph like this.

***You can tell that the right speaker, being close to a wall (in comparison to the "Left" being away from a sidewall) really interacts in the bass when set to "large".

***It's interesting that no matter what the setting, there are certain areas (like 44Hz and 70-80Hz) that have similar patterns whether the sub is handling them or the sub WITH the M60.

***I also found it interesting that the graphs for "small" and "large" settings, crossed over at 100Hz, don’t actually meet up until 200Hz. A more gradual slope on the upper end of the crossover than I would have thought.

I really have to go get some editing done for a client coming in this afternoon, but here's a promise: This weekend, I absolutely, positively will finish that gigantic article and put it all to bed. Except the MX-700. I may not get to that just 'cuz it drives Ray up the wall!

Thanks again to everyone- John, I printed your "math" post and will be reading it more carefully later today! Regarding the bass traps, I'm familiar with them, but I might have a WAF to consider there. I've read that a couple of large bags of towels, blankets, etc. in a corner of the room can work wonders- maybe I'll play with that a bit this weekend! Funny thing is, I have a corner behind the sectional where those would not even be visible!

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::